Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Who am I? A traveler, a mom, a music lover..... with a crochet hook in my purse

Hi! My name is Maria and I hate to be bored. I'm not good at it. "Sit around and watch tv... relax..." Um. I've tried that. Can't. I come from generations of people that can't do that. My mom is never without a project in her lap while watching tv... my grandmother would put a record on the turn table and sit with a project... even in early memories, I can see my father sanding something during the evening news. In an age where we all choose our phones over human interaction, I still crave creativity. This blog is me. What I love... My husband, my kids, music, traveling the world, and yarn... lots of it.... Hope you enjoy it!

Who am I? A traveler, a mom, a music lover..... with a crochet hook in my purse

Hi! My name is Maria and I hate to be bored. I'm not good at it. "Sit around and watch tv... relax..." Um. I've tried ...